Taste, smell, try – experience Grüne Woche 2025 with all your senses

From 17 to 26 January 2025, the Grüne Woche will provide comprehensive insights into agriculture, food and horticulture. It invites visitors to join in, shows why ‘free from’ doesn’t have to mean doing without and puts green professions in the spotlight.

The countdown is on – on 17 January, the Berlin exhibition grounds will open their doors to visitors to the Grüne Woche for 10 days. From farmers to gardeners, young farmers and influencers – everyone gets their money’s worth at Grüne Woche.

Discover 60 countries in 10 days

1,500 exhibitors from almost 60 countries present themselves at the Grüne Woche – from A for Algeria to U for Hungary, the countries have all kinds of regional delicacies in their luggage: chanterelle chocolate from Finland, green coffee from Colombia or the popular poffertjes from the Netherlands – the next culinary discovery is just a fork away at the Grüne Woche.

The German federal states will also once again be showcasing numerous innovative exhibitors at Grüne Woche: Lower Saxony, for example, will be presenting a sustainable tea spoon and Baden-Württemberg a Maultaschenburger. In Hesse there is green sauce pesto to discover, in Saxony all kinds of potato snacks and Saxony-Anhalt is focussing on snails as a superfood. For many visitors, the Grüne Woche is a little piece of home in the centre of Berlin every year.

New this year: the FREE FROM area in the market hall (1.2). Products without sugar, gluten, lactose or animal ingredients take centre stage here. Here, Grüne Woche guests can try out that ‘free from’ doesn’t have to be any less delicious.

An overview of all exhibitors can be found here on the Grüne Woche website.

Green professions, green start-ups & Grüne Woche stage – Home Green Home

Last year, the young generation hub (6.2b) celebrated its premiere at Grüne Woche and immediately captivated visitors. Children, young people and adults can learn about green professions here – from farmers and chimney sweeps to gardeners and plumbers. More than 80 training occupations are presented and some can be tried out for themselves: don’t look – do, is the motto here. The young generation hub will be open from 20 to 24 January 2025 from Monday to Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 3 pm. New is the long Thursday from 10 am to 6 pm.

The Startup Days are also a must at Grüne Woche 2025. Around 30 start-ups from the agtech and food industry have applied – the best 10 will present themselves and their innovative products at Grüne Woche on 21 and 22 January. The most convincing company will be honoured at the end with the Startup Days Award.

The Grüne Woche Stage – Home Green Home has moved to Hall 27 and awaits visitors with entertaining influencers, exciting information and numerous hands-on activities. For example, Sola will be cooking on stage, Katazuri will show how cooking and gaming go together and Doktor Froid promises an unbeatable mix of fun and food. For topics such as the environment, nutrition and sustainability, the Grüne Woche Stage – Home Green Home is the place to be.

That’s Berlin, isn’t it? – Flower Neighbourhood Berlin

For many visitors, the Flower Hall at the Grüne Woche is a colourful oasis in the grey Berlin winter. This year, the motto of the flower hall is ‘Blütenkiez Berlin’ and promises a colourful insight from the capital in the capital. On 3,000 square metres, early bloomers, green spaces and shrubs will set the mood for spring. There will be some peace and quiet in the hustle and bustle of the fair in the green living room with seating and carpets surrounded by greenery.

Animals at Grüne Woche

The animal hall (25) is a particular highlight of the Grüne Woche for many visitors young and old. There are not only hundreds of animals such as horses, cattle, sheep, goats and rabbits to marvel at here. For the first time, young and old alike can find out about different forms of cattle husbandry. Model stables show housing types 1 to 4 and are intended to illustrate to visitors how much space is available to cattle depending on the housing type.

From Black Forest cold-bloods to tiny Shetland ponies – one animal focus of Grüne Woche 2025 will be on horses. With the FN Federal Cold Blood Show on the first weekend (17 – 19 January), the Federal Stallion Show of Fjord Horses on Monday (20 January) and the Hippologica on the second Green Week weekend (24 – 26 January), horse lovers of all ages will get their money’s worth. At the Hippologica – the horse show of Grüne Woche – top athletes will be demonstrating their skills in show jumping, dressage and driving. All information about Hippologica can be found on the website.

The pets have moved to Hall 26. Here visitors can meet dogs, cats, donkeys, terrarium and aquarium inhabitants and bees. Different breeds of dogs and cats will be presented in the action area.

Federal politics at Grüne Woche

Three federal ministries will be exhibiting at Grüne Woche 2025: The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Hall 23a, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) in Hall 27 and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Hall 7.2c. The German Bundestag will be on hand to inform citizens about the tasks and working methods of parliament.

A special highlight at the BMEL: a four-metre-high talking refrigerator that talks to trade fair visitors about food waste.

At the BMUV, visitors will learn lots of interesting facts about adapting to the effects of climate change: ‘How will we design our cities in the future?’ ‘How do we adapt to climate change?’ or “How do we secure our agriculture?” are just some of the questions that will be answered in the BMUV’s climate workshop.

The BMZ is focussing on how hunger in the world can be combated. One possibility – proteins from insects, so visitors to Grüne Woche will be able to sample crickets and locusts at the BMZ.

Focus on agriculture & nutrition

Hall 3.2 is entirely in the hands of the Grüne Woche’s partner organisations: the German Farmers’ Association’s ErlebnisBauernhof, the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE) and the German Food Association (Lebensmittelverband Deutschland) will jointly accompany the entire value chain from the origin of our food in the field or in the barn until it finally ends up processed on our plates. ‘Secure nutrition. Protecting nature’ is the motto of this year’s farm experience and invites visitors to familiarise themselves with animals, nature and technology through interactive themed trails. The BVE will be presenting itself on the topic of ‘Future tastes good’ and invites visitors to try out and exchange ideas in a show kitchen, among other things.

Foto: Grüne Woche

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