Only honey should be honey! The Honey Platform begins its work under the leadership of the European Commission

On November 6, 2024, the first meeting of the Honey Platform, a new expert group formed by the Council and the European Parliament as part of the revision of the Honey Directive, took place in Brussels.

Wolfgang Burtscher, Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, opened the work of this group. The platform aims to assist the European Commission in developing new regulations concerning honey.

During the first meeting, two important issues were in focus: how to determine that honey has not been overheated and whether it is justified to create a database that would compile all analysis methods for detecting honey adulteration in one place accessible to everyone. These topics are crucial, as the platform will provide advice that will help create new regulations in the next five years.

The platform is unique because it brings together representatives from 27 EU member states, stakeholders from the honey supply chain, as well as experts from various fields (universities, researchers, and others). These participants will discuss technical issues, such as proving that honey has not lost pollen and ensuring the traceability of honey from beekeeper to consumer.

The first gathering was very productive, as participants had the opportunity to get to know each other and contribute through an exchange of opinions.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2025. By then, the group will need to agree on the directions discussed at this first meeting.

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